Tuesday, February 8, 2011

When should you take the Subject tests?

When should you take the Subject tests?

The best time to take a subject test is near the end of the school year you are taking the corresponding subject in school. Ideally you should be done with all of the subject tests before the start of your senior year. For example, if you happen to be taking U.S History sophomore year and do not plan to take any more U.S. history junior year, you should take the U.S. History subject test near the end of sophomore year. On the other hand if plan to take an AP course during (or before) junior year, you should take the subject test close to the AP test. For example if you are taking Honors Chemistry sophomore year and plan to take AP Chemistry junior year, the optimal time to take the SAT Subject test in Chemistry is near the time of the AP tests. If you will be  preparing the AP test, you will not have to do much additional preparation for the subject tests. If you put off taking the subject tests until the senior year, you will have to waste a lot of time and effort to review material that you may have forgotten. Taking the subject test when you are taking the corresponding course benefits you three ways: Any effort you put in will help your grade in the AP course, your score on the AP test, and of course, your score the SAT subject test.

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